May 2022
Back to school!

I’ve been following Miguel Gómez Losada’s work for a few years now and this May I had the chance to spend a weekend with him and some fellow artists. Just painting and talking about painting, and our different approaches to our practice.
Thanks to the people of Fresco.Arte we had two wonderful days where Miguel talked about how painting is more related to poetry than photography and how to get rid of our inner prejudices, in terms of our skills, when we paint and how to build our own worlds. I found his take on painting truly inspiring and, since I’m exploring my “surreal” side after all these years, I’m feeling the need to care more about what I’m telling that how I’m painting it, or as I read somewhere: “less details and more poetry”.
Check Miguel’s work on instagram, it’s pretty awesome.

Art shows I loved

Two shows caught my eye this month. The first one was Miguel Coronado‘s at Ansorena (one of my favorite galleries in Madrid). I discovered Miguel’s work a few months back and seeing it in person for the first time was awesome. The way he loses the figures but you still can recognize what you are looking at is so beautiful.
The second show was Paco Cachadas’ at Veronica del Hoyo y Colino. A new gallery I didn’t know about but worth keeping an eye on, their next shows are quite promising. Paco’s work is more classic, in a figurative way of speaking, but the subjects he chooses and his interiors have some kind of mystery that keeps you staring at them.

Digging into surrealism
With each passing month my confidence about this line of work grows and things are starting to take shape. I have a lot of new rough sketches waiting to become paintings and I’m also playing with 3D software to get better references for what I’m looking for. I’m really happy with the outcome and really excited with what’s coming next. Some of the pieces were added to the shop and you can always follow my progress on instagram.
See you next month,